ACE Course: A Comprehensive Approach to Enteral Feeding: Why, When and How

When:  Apr 25, 2024 from 08:00 to 17:00 (MT)

Course Overview

In this 1-day, virtual and interactive course, we will provide an encompassing view of enteral feeding. This will include reasons to implement it, how to best select the patients to benefit from it, and how to develop and implement a feeding plan. 
This offering will include tips on communication with clients as well as guidance for making and troubleshooting diet slurry formulas, to provide a well-rounded approach to enteral feeding. Panel discussions focused on the practical implementation of enteral feeding will be led by experts in the field.
This course will provide valuable information for all SAIM clinicians and residents in a variety of practice settings, including nutritionists looking to supplement their base knowledge on this topic.

Learning objectives:

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  1. Communicate the importance of enteral nutritional support in veterinary patients to health care team members and caregivers. 
  2. Confidently identify patients that require assisted enteral feeding support using nutritional assessment tools.
  3. Develop a customized enteral feeding plan for patients, including diet choice, calorie provision, and practical feeding aspects.
  4. Troubleshoot common issues arising during enteral feeding.

Key differentiators:

  1. The course has nutrition experts from several institutions with practical and up to date knowledge, and this expertise will be shared in both lectures and interactive sessions (panels and case examples). 
  2. The course integrates nutritional expertise with a surgeon’s point of view and includes topics on communication with clients as well as on patient assessment and development of the feeding plan, to provide a well-rounded approach to enteral feeding.